Training manuals

Based on my field experiences I developed and wrote a number of Training Manuals or Guides. They can be downloaded here. If you like to use them in your organisation; please contact me.

  • Value Chain Analysis and Development
    Since 2000 I trained many people and organisations in Value Chain Analysis and Development. Over time I designed my own method to do so, based on ten basic steps. This manual is adjusted for each assignment.
  • Business Planning for Cooperatives
    Based on my experience with creating a large and successful cooperative in Kyrgyzstan I designed a method to support farmers in setting up a new coop. The foundation is an economic simualtion model that allows for a transparant and commercially sound decision making process.
  • Basic skills in Participatory Extension Planning
    A manual for a one week, on-the-job training in the basic issues of participatory extension planning. Physical copies of this publication (incl. a Trainers’ Guide) can be obtained via Internet.  Here one finds the version that was used in Afghanistan.
  • Methods for the analysis and planning of rural development
    This Field Guide, published by SNV, reflects on nine groups of methodologies on rural planning. The most well known methods are PRA, PLA, OOPP, RAAKS, SEAN, GRAAP, Participatry Action Research, Gender Assessment Studies and Method of Active Participation.
  • Ice le guide en Francais: Les méthodologies d’analyse et de planification